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Random3 Encounter Contest

Update: The contest is over, and the entries can be found here!

To celebrate the release of Chaotic Shiny's 100th generator, I'm having a random encounter contest! You'll design a random encounter using random results from (if you're very, very brave) random generators.

Here's how it works. Pick three generators, or use the Random Generator link on the sidebar to have three randomly chosen for you. Using the results from those generators, create an encounter. This can be any kind of encounter you like - a combat, a puzzle, a social encounter, a trap, or anything else that could entertain a party full of adventurers for part of a session. It can be for any gaming system, or no system at all. Write up the encounter, put it in the format below, email it to me, and you're good.

And don't despair, writerly types - if you don't know enough about gaming to write an encounter, you can instead enter a vignette. That is, a short scene, no more than half a page or so.

The number of and types of prizes depend on how many entries there are. Rest assured that there will be some awesome generator packs and ebooks, and maybe even a few sponsored prizes from other sites. At least one of the winners, and probably more, will be randomly chosen, so everyone will have a chance to win. Each entry gets you a shot at a prize, and entries with maps or illustrations count for one extra. No limit to the number of entries.

The deadline for the contest is September 7th, at midnight PST. Winners will be announced within the next week. All of the entries will be released as a free PDF.


Encounter Title - Type (System)[any info the system requires; eg, level, total exp, etc]
Your name or handle as you wish to be credited in the PDF

gen 1: result
gen 2: result
gen 3: result

Encounter text, maps, illustrations, etc (or vignette)

To recap:
  1. Make an encounter (or vignette) using any three generators
  2. Email it to me at swordgleam {at} chaoticshiny {dot} com
  3. Repeat as desired
  4. Deadline is September 7th
  5. Go check out our sponsors' websites
  6. Win awesome prizes and see a PDF full of everyone else's cool encounters


We have two great sponsors for this contest (and let me know if you sell something gaming or writing related and would like to join them). Go support them!

STUFFER SHACK has a blog and a store with all kinds of fantastic gaming stuff, and also sometimes runs contests. They are donating a set of Mini Markers and Bloodied Counters, which are great for keeping track of your minis.

stuffer shack

Banners on the Cheap is offering one winner a generous choice of giftcards from various parts of their site. And you should also check out their brand-new RPG Maps and Banners section, inspired in part by this contest!

You can choose between: